Bearbrick | Chanel 1000%


Designed by Chanel x Medicom and produced in 2006, the toy is modeled after the founder of Chanel, Coco Chanel. The figure is dressed in her iconic style of black tweed jacket matched with white pearls, which transcends time and fashion. These 1000% Be@rbricks were created for display in Chanel stores worldwide.

Artist: Medicom
Title: Bearbrick - Chanel
Type: Be@rbrick
Medium: abs plastic
Dimensions: 30 x 18 x 71 cm (7" x 28" x 12")
Year: 2006
Edition: 1000

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Bearbrick (rendered Be@rbrick) is a collectible toy designed and produced by the Japanese company MediCom Toy Incorporated. The name is derived from the fact that the figure is a cartoon-style representation of a bear and that it is a variation of MediCom’s Kubrick design. The at sign in the place of the letter a is a visual device that is a part of the Bearbrick brand, and as such, a trademark of MediCom Toy.

The figure is an anthropomorphized bear with an extremely simplified form and a pot belly. Each plastic figure features nine parts (widely referred to as tools in the toy industry): head, torso, hips, arms, hands, and legs; These nine tools allow eight points of articulation: swivel head, swivel waist, ball joint arms, swivel wrists, and ball joint legs.