Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada | Urban Analogy #78 – Dutchie


Kunstenaar: Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada
Titel: Urban Analogy
Soort: origineel
Medium: houtskool, acrylverf en/of spuitverf op circa 250 jaar oud pleisterwerk
Afmetingen: 122 x 200 cm (78.7" x 48")
Jaar: 2015
Oplage: uniek
Overig: door de kunstenaar gedateerd en gesigneerd

Slechts 1 resterend op voorraad


Many years of creating urban art in a manner that does not cover, but instead involves the visual narrative of wall surfaces, led Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada to the URBAN ANALOGIES series. He decided to create new pieces that were coherent and symbiotic to his other work by removing old interior wall surfaces from abandoned buildings and transferring those textures onto wood panels.

The URBAN ANALOGIES series is a cohesive parallel direction to the large scale identity series murals that Jorge begun creating in Spain in 2002. In the URBAN ANALOGIES series he focusses on fragments of faces from people that are close to him. The significance of this work lies upon the importance given to the weathered and worn urban surfaces for their intrinsic value.

Additional Information

Weight 8 kg


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